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Market-Based Solutions to Vital Economic Issues


Jul 23, 2022

Small Rural Business Development Workshop #2

Workshop Topics: Cultural Tourism and Agribusiness, Legacy and Succession Planning, Procurement and Vendor Readiness, and Land Management Opportunities (Forestry/Carbon Sequestration)
Location: Walterboro, South Carolina (Location address will be forwarded once you register)
Date/Time: Saturday, July 23, 2022 from 10am to 3pm
Registration: Advance registration is required. To register, click here.

Event is FREE and lunch will be provided.

The first 10 to register will receive 1 hour of free consultation from NCGrowth-SmartUp.

Business Resource Fair: A Business Resource Fair will be held during lunch. Lenders and other Business Resource Partners will be on hand to discuss programs and other available resources.
Brief Description: Join NCGrowth-SmartUp staff and Analysts along with a panel of experts and small business owners as we explore the current climate and barriers facing entrepreneurship and business development in small rural communities across the Carolinas. By participating in these workshops you will learn about economic development resources currently available to you. You will also have the opportunity to interact and network with local, State and Federal agencies, community resource partners and other small rural business owners from your area. Having access to this new integrated network of resources will help you position your business to thrive and be more sustainable in the local and regional economy. Don’t forget to register using the link above.
For more information: Contact Kellye Whitaker, Assistant Director, NCGrowth-SmartUp South Carolina at Kellye_Whitaker@kenan-flagler.unc.edu


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